Wills/ Power of Attorney Solutions
A Will or Codicil is a legal declaration by which a person, defines the distribution of the property (both Movable as well as immovable) after his demise. A will should be administered by an Executor, to manage the same until its final distribution. Usually a will is created to avoid conflict among the family members after his/her demise.
The property described in the will can only be transferred in the name of the beneficiaries by filing for a probate of the same. our legal team has specialized skills in getting the will drafted and in getting the same probated.
The Indian Laws have defined and clarified the importance of will under following law
- The Indian Succession Act, 1925
- Hindu Personal Laws
- Muslim Personal Laws
- The Indian Registration Act, 1908

A will can be both Registered will as well as Non Registered. It’s a document of critical importance and utmost care is required as to the selection of witnesses and the contents of the same. As there is no prescribed format for making a will, it can be written in any language and does not require any technical jargon. The document should be free from dubious and unambiguous words. ​
Succession Certificate
Succession Certificate is necessary for getting the property (movable as well as immovable) of your parents in your names after their demise. The succession certificate defines your rights in the property in absence of a will or codicil by the deceased.
Succession certificate is issued by courts and there is a defined procedure for obtaining the same from the courts. Our specialized and dedicated team has been helping disheartened NRI clients in obtaining succession certificates in their favor without going through any unnecessary procedural delays and hassles.

Power of Attorney
A power of attorney is a legal document which enables a person to act on your behalf in your absence. A person living overseas can get a POA made in favor of his relative / friend residing in India to represent him/her and take decisions on his/her behalf.
A person living abroad has to get the POA notorized from the country of origin and then get the same endorsed from the Indian embassy in the country of origin. He/she also has to get a copy of his passport attested by the notary along with POA before he sends the same to India. Once the Power of attorney document reaches India, the same has to be endorsed by the concerned department to make it a valid document.
Power of Attorney is a crucial legal document which needs meticulous drafting and adherence to avoid any kind of conflict and harassment at later stage.
Keeping in view the overall importance we have stand alone department at RK Legal Advisors dedicated to Wills, Succession Certificates and Power of Attorney to and to protect the rights of our NRI clients. We assure you that our dedicated team can help you at every stage of its execution to make this process simpler for your benefit.