Landlord Tenant Disputes Of NRIs

It is common for NRIs to own properties across India. In order to ensure proper upkeep of the properties, NRIs tend to rent out these properties. However, since it is not feasible for NRI property owners to regularly visit their rental properties; landlord tenant disputes may arise.

The rights and duties of both landlords and tenants are governed by legal acts such as ‘Rent Control Act, 1948’ and ‘The Model Tenancy Act, 2019’.

Common Reasons for Tenant/ Property Owner Dispute

Landlord-tenant disputes may arise out of many reasons. Following are some common reasons that may lay the foundation of such disputes:

  • Non-payment of rent by the tenant
  • Sub-letting without seeking permission from the NRI property owner
  • Commercial use of the residential property
  • Damage caused to the property by the tenant
  • Personal behavior of the tenant

In case of any of the above mentioned reasons, NRI owners may send an eviction notice to the tenants. However, the dispute may deepen if the tenant becomes non-respondent to the notice.

For reducing the landlord tenant disputes, our team advises NRIs to follow these steps:

  • Proper registration of documents
  • Formulate a fair rent agreement before renting out your property
  • Consider short term rent agreements
  • Follow the law when considering to increase the rent

As it can be overwhelming for NRI property owners to have thorough knowledge about landlord tenant laws prevailing in India, it is advisable for them to hire a professional legal firm.

Common tenancy disputes:

  • Illegal possession of property
  • Eviction of non-paying tenants
  • Other landlord-tenant disputes


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