5 Things to be kept in Mind while Making your WILL

WILL and Its Importance....... A WILL is a Document or testimonial which defines the division of your movable and immovable property after you leave this world for heavenly abode. By writing this document you are giving peace of mind to your legal heirs and maintain harmony among them. A well-drafted WILL ensures the clarity and eradicates the possibilities of uncalled for disputes in the division of assets among the legal heirs. What is the right age to make a WILL?

  • Any person who has attained the age of 21 years can make a will.
  • It is advisable to make a will when a person is hale & hearty and the mind is healthy to avoid any sort of confusion and ambiguity.

Is there any specified format to write a WILL? There's no specific format to write a WILL.

  • WILL can be written in any language and format.
  • WILL can be handwritten or typed.
  • WILL can be made even on simple paper and do not require a stamp paper.

How to ensure the legitimacy of your WILL? Will should bear Headline as under LAST & FINAL WILL OF Mr (Name of the person and address ) To avoid any addition or deletion of pages at a later stage, all pages of WILL should be numbered in serial order. Each page of WILL should be signed by the person who is making the WILL and witnesses. Is it mandatory to get the WILL registered? There's no obligation to register the WILL with the registration authority. However, it is better to get the WILL document registered to avoid any kind of fraud or scam. Do we need an Executor to probate the WILL? Executor is required to administer the WILL. An Executor can be anyone who can be relied upon. In the absence of an executor, it is the court to designate an executor to execute the WILL at a later stage. A person’s WILL is critical importance and utmost care is required as to the selection of witnesses and the contents of the same. As there is no prescribed format for making a will, The document should be drafted so well that it gives clarity, free from dubious and unambiguous words to the legal heirs. ​


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